Archivo de la etiqueta: yori

History of the Yaquis Sonora (Tribe with Rights)

In 1939, Mexican President Cardenas granted the Yaqui tribe official recognition and title to their land. this brought some improvements for the Yaquis, whose ancestral lands were party turned into a reservation (zona indígena) by presidential decree. For the first time in Mexican history, the federal government agreed to the establishment of a separate territory for its native inhabitants.


The . Great Yaqui Nation Submitted by MAIC Member Ted Glines, Yaqui – from the official Yaqui Nation Website.

The Yaqui were never baffled militarily by the Spanish, acquisition alternating expeditions of conquistadores in battle. However, they were auspiciously adapted to Christianity by the Jesuits, who assertive them to achieve into eight towns: Pótam, Vícam, Tórim, Bácum, Cócorit, Huirivis, Benem, and Rahum.

For abounding years, the Yaqui lived affably in a accord with the Jesuit missionaries. This resulted in ample alternate advantage: the Yaqui were able to advance a actual advantageous economy, and the missionaries were able to apply the abundance created to extend their missionary activities added north. In the 1730s the Spanish colonial government began to adapt this relationship, and eventually ordered all Jesuits out of Sonora. This created ample agitation amidst the Yaqui and led to several rebellions. Further, the Franciscan priests never accustomed to be their religious leaders, abrogation the Yaqui with no western religious ties.

Yaqui baton Juan Banderas (executed 1833) admired to affiliate the Mayo, Opata, and Pima tribes, calm with the Yaqui, to anatomy an accord abstracted from Mexico in the 1820s, but the accomplishment bootless and the Yaqui remained aural the ambit of Mexican acknowledged authority.

The nation suffered a assumption of brutalities by the Mexican authorities, including a notable annihilation in 1868 area 150 Yaqui were austere to afterlife by the army central a church.

Another arresting (and failed) accomplishment to win ability was led by the Yaqui baton Cajemé in the 1880s. afterward this war, the Yaqui were subjected to added atrocity beneath the administration of Porfirio Díaz, who implemented a action of aboriginal transfer, in adjustment to abolish the Yaqui from Sonora so that he could animate clearing from Europe and the affiliated States. The government transferred tens of bags of Yaqui from Sonora to the Yucatán peninsula, area some were awash as disciplinarian and formed on plantations; abounding of these disciplinarian died from the barbarous alive conditions. abounding Yaqui fled to the affiliated States to escape this persecution. Today, the Mexican city of Cajeme is called afterwards the collapsed Yaqui leader.


It appears they have Some rights in Mexico and more rights in Arizona, but as I understand they were never given all of the rights they deserve. their tribes were split between Arizona and Mexico (and still are) according to Treaty this would give them the right to cross the border into the U.S. without Immigration papers. all they are supposed to need is Proof that they are Yaqi. this is done with every known Indian tribe in Canada, but of course the U.S. will never miss an opportunity to discriminate against anyone or anything that hints of being Mexican, so all Indian Treaties are honored at the Canadian border and disregarded at the Mexican border.

In 1939, Mexican President Cardenas granted the Yaqui tribe official recognition and title to their land. this brought some improvements for the Yaquis, whose ancestral lands were party turned into a reservation (zona indígena) by presidential decree. For the first time in Mexican history, the federal government agreed to the establishment of a separate territory for its native inhabitants.

On September 18, 1978, the Pascua Yaqui Tribe of Arizona became federally recognized: The Pascua Yaquis have a status similar to other Indian tribes of the United States. This status makes the Yaqui eligible for specific services due to trust responsibility that the United States offers Native American peoples who have suffered land loss.
Why do latin immigrants claim to be «Native American»?

Native American has become the most misused appellation in the western hemisphere. It is actually a word coined in my lifetime to describe our peoples and tribes here in the USA. The ones who came up with this term wanted to replace American Indian with it. In the last several years, uninformed people are passing this specific name to all the indigenous of the western half of the world. I am American NDN, from Calif, and I speak Spanish. Those people and the Mexicans were here long before the Americans got here. Many of us still speak their language, and English too. The problem comes when you try to give these people the name that is supposed to be reserved for us. The Mexican Indians do not claim to be American from Los Estados Unidos de Mexico. Same with any of the other countries from south of the border. They only begin to claim this name and this status when «la Migra» is after them. The fact is, Native American is a legal term describing Natives from within the borders of the USA, and our tribes. Nobody else from another country is entitled to this name, just like a Tarahumara from Mexico is not entitled to be called a Miwok from Calif.

Yaqui Lopez vs Yvon Durelle?

Yaqui Lopez for the win by fifteen round decision. Lopez is a little bit of a better fighter than Durelle is in this one. Lopez simply had the bad luck of fighting in a Light Heavyweight division which featured such superstars like Michael Spinks, Matthew Saad Muhammad, John Conteh and Victor Galindez. Too many talented boxers and he just never had the breaks of winning a Light Heavyweight title–not even briefly. Yvon Durelle is the obscure fisherman who gave Archie Moore one of the most exciting knockdown and drag-out fight in history and he came so close to pulling off the unthinkable upset. It was a fight which really transcended the sport. It was simply breathtaking that he could knock down one of the greats three times in a single round. However, in the rematch Moore figured him out and took him out in three rounds.

Seguir leyendo History of the Yaquis Sonora (Tribe with Rights)

«La Yaquesita», Poema

Visto en:

En Peligro el Mayo, Variante Lingüística en Sonora.

Mediante juego didáctico prevén mitigar la pérdida del mayo, variante lingüística en Sonora.

Es singular oír a niños y jóvenes yoreme de Sonora hablar el mayo, su lengua materna, y es que se trata de una de las variantes lingüísticas del país que ha sufrido un desplazamiento preocupante por el español, situación difícil de revertir pero que el Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia (INAH-Conaculta) intenta mitigar al apoyar acciones para su revitalización.

Entre ellas, se encuentra el juego didáctico “Maratón Yoreme”, del cual 300 ejemplares son distribuidos actualmente en las escuelas de educación indígena del Valle del Mayo en beneficio de los niños de esa región sur del estado, quienes aprenderán aún más de su cultura y tradiciones mediante el uso de su habla original.

Concebido por la asociación cultural Lutisuc (Luna en conjunción, vocablo taracahíta; o Se acabó, en yaqui), este instrumento de apoyo para la preservación del mayo, contó con la asesoría del lingüista José Luis Moctezuma Zamarrón, adscrito al Centro INAH Sonora, y quien es experto en esa variante.

El “Maratón Yoreme” consta de 240 preguntas formuladas en español, pero que pueden responderse tanto en ese idioma como en mayo. Si las interrogantes sobre la historia, geografía, ceremonias, música y danza, gastronomía y medicina tradicional, artesanía y vida cotidiana de los yoreme son contestadas en su lengua, se obtienen más puntos para ganar el juego. De esa manera, ¿empo waita yoremnoka maxtianake? (¿quiere usted aprender mayo?)

Aunque por su número de hablantes, alrededor de 30 mil, el mayo pareciera no ser una lengua en desaparición, lo cierto —de acuerdo con José Luis Moctezuma— es que de este 100 por ciento, sólo el 8 corresponde a personas con un rango de edad menor a los 20 años, es decir, es prácticamente desconocido entre las generaciones jóvenes lo que a mediano plazo impedirá su transmisión.

La región mayo se localiza en los municipios sonorenses de Álamos, Etchojoa, Huatabampo, Navojoa y Quiriego, así como en los ayuntamientos de Choix, El Fuerte, Guasave, Los Mochis, Ahome y Sinaloa de Leyva, al norte de Sinaloa. Los mayo se nombran yoreme, “el que respeta la tradición”, en oposición a yori, el que no lo hace; y comparten origen y cultura con los guarijío y los yaqui.

Son múltiples los factores que han incidido en el desplazamiento del mayo por la lengua oficial del país: el español; uno de los de mayor peso fue el que una generación completa decidió (sin proponérselo abiertamente) abandonar el habla indígena, esto sucedió durante el cardenismo cuando gente ajena a las comunidades tradicionales se establecieron en los ejidos recién creados.

Seguir leyendo En Peligro el Mayo, Variante Lingüística en Sonora.

The Mayos in Sonora

The Yoremes are the descendants of the ancient populations of the Huatabampo culture. They carry the cultural traditions of Sonora.

It is the most important ethnic group in the state. The population is estimated to 75,000 inhabitants. They still speak their dialect. So they differ from the other Indigenous communities that tend to speak Spanish.

They call themselves « Yoreme » or « The one who respects the tradition » in opposition to the « Yori » – «the one who doesn’t respect the tradition ».

According to the legend, the word Mayo means « the people of the River ».

The Mayo region is located in the south part of Sonora. The communities live in the municipalities of Alamos, Quiriego, Navojoa, Etchojoa and Huatabampo.

It is said that the Mayos are part of the Yaquis communities because of their language with roots from the Yaqui and Guarijio dialect.

They have docilely listened to the Spanish evangelic teachers and they learned, at the same time, how to farm and breed domestic animals.

They now built houses in « adobe » (big clay and straw bricks) or ladrillos (red bricks). The ceilings are made of carrizo (bamboo branches) covered with clay and straw glue together.

Mayos crossesYou can often see their houses adorned with a cross made of palofierro (iron tree) in order to protect them from evil.

Seguir leyendo The Mayos in Sonora

Dedicadas a mi Hermoso Sonora

Valentin Elizalde – Sonora

Gilberto Valenzuela (El Sahuaripa) – Sonora Querida

Danny Moreno – Fiesta en Obregon

El Coyote y su Banda – Mi Yaquesita

Sonora y Sus Ojos Negros – Miguel y Miguel

El Moro de Cumpas – Antonio Aguilar

Maquina 501 – Francisco «Charro» Avitia

Flor de Capomo original en nuestra lengua materna: el Cahita

La cancion esta en YOREME como le dicen los ignorantes CAHITA, yaqui y mayo, es el idioma yoreme: que tiene dialecticas (diferencias en el idioma) la del rio yaqui, rio mayo, en sonora, y rio fuerte, en estado de sinaloa, como decir español con dialectica sonorense y sinaloense es la misma. pero hay a quien le encanta poner fronteras culturales, y esas confusiones que hay fuera de las juridicciones de los pueblos yoremes.

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